How do I get started?

The first step is to contact me to arrange an initial consultation. Consultations consist of 2 x 50 minutes sessions, one week apart. Following this, if mutually agreed that we would like to work together, we’ll meet in person on a weekly basis, at a regular time, for a 50 minute session.

To arrange an initial consultation, please contact me via email: hayeswoodtherapy@gmail.com.

How much will it cost?

My fees are £60 per session, payable by monthly invoice. This fee also applies to assessment sessions.

Where would the sessions take place?

My practice is based in a comfortable room in a central Oxford (OX1) location. I will share the address once we have arranged an initial consultation.

Do you work online?

I believe that, even though this is talking therapy, an awareness of the body and its connection to the physical world is essential to the work. As such, I aim to work in person with my clients to facilitate an embodied practice. However, I understand that in person work isn’t always possible. Please contact me if this is something you would like to discuss. 

What if I need urgent help?

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis involving thoughts of self- harm or suicide, please seek immediate medical help by contacting your GP or going to A&E. You can also call Samaritans on 116 123.